LIFTOFF: Uranium Royalty Will Accelerate The World

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The Nuclear Surge is Here

This free educational series powered and disseminated on behalf of Uranium Royalty Corp will explore the case for nuclear and why it’s the key to the world’s energy requirements. By every possible metric, nuclear is the best, most reliable source of carbon-free energy on the planet.

Module 1

A brief history of nuclear power in the U.S.:
  • How it started,
  • Why it stalled, and
  • Where it’s going.

Russia and China are Dominating Nuclear Energy… But AMERICA just kicked off a Major Nuclear Energy Race

Russia and China have taken over the nuclear scene to steal the nuclear export market from the United States, but America is joining the war for global nuclear reactor dominance. It’s about national and global security.

Module 2

The world is headed towards a cleaner, greener future – and nuclear energy is poised to play a massive role in it.

Uranium’s Price Trajectory Looks Incredible

Price Trajectory Looks Incredible

Uranium Booms

  • The world continues moving towards net zero emissions
  • Nuclear energy will have a major role to play in the global energy matrix
  • 437 nuclear power plants operating in 33 countries combined to provide ~10% of the world’s electricity needs
  • Globally, a total of 99 nuclear reactors are planned, with over 300 more reactors in the proposal stage
  • Read the Education Series above to find out what’s in store for Nuclear Energy

Get Your Free Report on Uranium Royalty Corp (UROY:NYSE)

America’s leading, fastest growing, uranium mining company listed on the NYSE.

  • UROY is a pure-play uranium company advancing the next generation of low-cost, environmentally friendly In-Situ Recovery (ISR) uranium projects.


Uranium energy facts

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