Carbon Credits Glossary

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There are currently 5 names in this directory beginning with the letter S.

Scope 1 Emissions (S1)
The release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from sources such as buildings and operations directly owned or controlled by an organization. For example, if a company owns a fleet of trucks, the greenhouse gases emitted by these trucks would count towards the company’s Scope 1 emissions.

Scope 2 Emissions (S2)
The discharge of greenhouse gases as a result of the electricity, heating, cooling, or steam generation required to power an organization’s buildings and other facilities. For example, if a company’s headquarters building draws power from a coal-fired power plant, a proportional amount of the emissions resulting from that coal plant’s electricity generation would count towards the company’s Scope 2 emissions.

Scope 3 Emissions (S3)
The release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere generated as a result of an organization’s activities, but physically produced by another entity. For example, if you drive a fossil-fuel-powered car, the emissions it produces would count towards the car manufacturer’s Scope 3 emissions.

The removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through biological (for example, photosynthesis in plants and trees), chemical (for example, turning CO2 into carbonate minerals), or physical processes (for example, storage of carbon dioxide in underground reservoirs).

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
The United Nations established 17 global development goals for all countries through a participatory process, elaborated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals include ending poverty and hunger, ensuring health and well-being, education, gender equality, clean water and energy, and decent work; and building and ensuring resilient and sustainable infrastructure, cities, and communities.